At 12/30/10 01:45 PM, EdyKel wrote:
At 12/30/10 11:55 AM, DiMono wrote:
At 12/30/10 02:56 AM, EdyKel wrote:
Easy points in domination mode for "Squadron Auriga". All you need to do is build up some of your base defense turrets and then wait a few hours as they rack up points for you. Odd thing is is when I leave the pause/option menu during the game the medals pop up - after I get the required point amount, that is.
Heh, is that ever true. I've had it running for a couple hours now while I did some cleaning and reorganizing, and I haven't even lost a pixel of base health. On the assumption that the energy you leave a fight with persists to the next turn, I'm going to let it go for a few more hours and carry a huge advantage into the next fights. Should be fun.
Left it on all last night. Made over 250,000. It took about 150,000 of that to buy all the upgrades. And there's really no point, other than for curiosity sake, to do that. None of the alien bases are that strong, and you only need to take over 3 of them to get the last medal.
Yep. I stopped it at 100,000 or so after my meeting was over, and just walked all over everyone. On Turn 1. I never needed more than 16 people, and I never built anything more powerful than a bazooka soldier, because I just didn't need it. I suppose it may be harder if you let the enemy actually do stuff, like end your turn and let them attack, but I just didn't see the point.
So now all I need to do is finish up levels 6 and up in the campaign mode and I'll be done. That can wait for another time though, because I don't really feel like arguing with the sniper right now. How close do I need to be to my target to take the sniper shot?