At 11/4/10 04:33 AM, DiMono wrote:
So, Madness Retaliation... I'm missing exactly one square for a complete map. When you enter the tower in the top right, with all the portals and nonsensical directions, I'm having a difficult time reaching the square that on the map is immediately to the right of the one you start that section in. Does anyone know how to get there?
Well, I've found my missing room and mapped out that entire area. If the top five are numbered a-e, the next 7 are 1-7, the next two are 8-9 and the last 3 are f-h (so you enter at g, the one I was missing was h, the one above that is 9, and a is directly over 2), the maze solutions are as follows:
a (locker with stuff in it)
up : to g
down: to 2
up : to e
down: to 6
east: to e
west: to c
up : to e
down: to 6
east: to 3
west: to d
east: to e
west: to e
down: to b
east: to d
west: to d
down: to 6
up : to 6
down: to f
west: to 7
up : to g
down: to 8
up : to e
down: to 6
east: to 3 with an elevator
west: to 4
4 (final room)
east: to 3
east: to 6
up : to e
east: to g
west: to 5
west: to g
east: to 1
up : to h
east: to f
up : to 2
down: to g
west: to f
east: to a
east: to 9
west: to g
down: to 1
g (where you enter this maze)
down: exit
east: to 7
west: to 8
down: to 7
west: to g
So if you want to get to the last room (4) quickly, your path from the entrance (g) should be this:
west, east, down, up, up, east, down, west, east, west
See, this is why I'm trying to stay away from medal games right now: because I end up staying up the entire night to track a random door maze.