So I heard back from bcdefg about First Fantasy. Here's the deal: he included an easter egg game mechanic, and he thought it would be easier to find than it was, but the gulf between programmer and player was wider than he'd anticipated. The tl;dr version of his response, which he included at the bottom of it, was "I made a mistake. I'm sorry."
In response I pointed out a few things, mainly what his mistakes were about the secret codes and how the easter egg mechanic related to the medal, and that testing the "final" version is just as important as testing the first version specifically to catch things like this. Put simply, the kid's still young and he doesn't know all the things yet that we would like him to know about public relations related to game design. He knows he messed up, and I've pointed out as clearly as I can why they were mess-ups, and hopefully he will learn from all of this and apply what he's learned from this experience to his future games.
If there's demand for it I'll put up his long message and my long response in the thread, but they're both rather long so I'll keep them out for now. If you do want to ask me to post it, though, please do so by sending me a PM rather than posting about it here in the thread, so we can avoid cluttering up the thread.
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!