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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-15 22:56:46

At 8/15/10 10:39 PM, WonderTheHedgehog wrote: Alright, sorry for the double post, but something's going on. Just as the past two medal games, the medal that I got gave no points at all. I think 3 new medal games in a row giving no points is more than a coincidence.

180 points for all medals but weren't added to my score also. Pretty fun game though. I find that crazy circles that encompass most of the screen yield the most points.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-15 22:58:48

At 8/15/10 10:52 PM, Techno wrote:
At 8/15/10 10:48 PM, ixfd64 wrote: st00f
I think what WonderTheHedgehog is saying is that many of the recent medals are not adding to the users' total medal score, even though the medals are worth points. In other words: if I had 20,000 medal points, and I unlock a medal worth 100 points, my score would still show as 20,000.
Well if you look, most of the medals he has gotten recently are worth 0.

That would explain why they wouldn't add to his score.

Here's what I'm trying to say. The games Target-shooting and Wind Rider give no points as well as your games. I know that those other medals are worth zero points. Before I got the medal from your game I had 54985 points and I still have that same amount. I'm not saying that you did anything wrong, just that the past three games that show that they should have medals with points haven't been giving anything and that's its getting to the point where I'm starting to believe there's a glitch in the system.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-15 23:01:35

Please keep in mind that our system is still in BETA, so we haven't opened it up to the general public yet.

The medal system definitely still needs a lot of work.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-15 23:12:11

How is the shake thing medals even possible!!!!! I can only get 30000 on easy. How in the world do you get 70000???

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-15 23:23:30

At 8/15/10 11:12 PM, Jiedong wrote: How is the shake thing medals even possible!!!!! I can only get 30000 on easy. How in the world do you get 70000???

I was able to get 80000 with two penalties. You have to shake your mouse really fast in circles around the screen since it nets you more points than going back and forth. It takes some practice to do with very little penalties but it is easily possible to do.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-15 23:44:41

At 8/15/10 11:23 PM, sixflab wrote:
At 8/15/10 11:12 PM, Jiedong wrote: How is the shake thing medals even possible!!!!! I can only get 30000 on easy. How in the world do you get 70000???
I was able to get 80000 with two penalties. You have to shake your mouse really fast in circles around the screen since it nets you more points than going back and forth. It takes some practice to do with very little penalties but it is easily possible to do.

Yeah, well I was able to get 28,000. And why does this game have medals again? Make a video of you getting that score and what you did if you can. Because I am doing the same thing and not netting 1/3 of what you are.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 00:16:24

Try increasing your mouse speed through the control panel. It seems to help, at least for me.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 01:32:39

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLJNPfmWK 7I

Okay, here is the video you were asking for Sizzlebuzz. Just a little video of the RAW difficulty in Strawberry Shakedown. Once again two delays but a little lower score(still over 70k though). Basically try to do something close to what I did and you should get enough for the medal. Rinse and repeat for the other difficulties since I used the same strategy and had well over the score needed for those.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 02:05:09

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 02:24:27

At 8/16/10 02:05 AM, ixfd64 wrote: New game with medals:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/51 5167

Points still don't add :(

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 02:26:18

At 8/15/10 11:46 PM, Techno wrote:
At 8/15/10 11:44 PM, Sizzlebuzz wrote: Why does this game have medals again?
So you fucks can have something to do.

So you would rather have games without medals? Quit bitching because you suck at a game.

Yes, I suck at a game that requires absolutely no skill. You move your mouse in a circle. You fucking got me.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 02:30:55

Posted already, I know.

If it makes you feel better, I can't even get the medals on the game I programmed.

People can get them, I just sucked.

Also, this.

Medals didn't work due to encryption key error of mine.

Once an admin updates the file the medals will work.


Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 02:37:36

At 8/16/10 02:33 AM, Techno wrote:
At 8/16/10 02:26 AM, Sizzlebuzz wrote:
Yes, I suck at a game that requires absolutely no skill. You move your mouse in a circle. You fucking got me.
Lol if it requires no skill how can you not get them easily?

I guess some people consider moving the mouse rapidly in a circle for a minute a skill. But I don't quite consider it that. Granted they can probably give a pretty mean handjob, but still, I'm not sure I would call it a skill. You know what I'm saying?

Anyway, could having a shitty computer prevent your game from judging things correctly?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 03:04:49

At 8/16/10 02:41 AM, Techno wrote:
Try increasing your mouse speed to get a better score or something.

I have the mouse so fast I can barely control it. Going from one side to the other as fast as I can only gives me 500 points. Does that sounds right. My friend even tried it several times and was moving much faster than I normally do and only got 42k.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 08:24:28

Just go extremely fast making small circular motions.
I scored like 380K+ on Hard.


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 08:39:41

At 8/16/10 03:41 AM, Neonleo wrote: I know this is old but I'm missing two last mushrooms on William and Sly and I've checked everywhere for them. Do they have a hidden chest or something? I've gotten all the other chests and searched in all the caves and I've had no luck. Please help or direct me to a page on here that can help out.

Wylina to the rescue!
http://wylina.newgrounds.com/news/post/3 45940

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 10:22:42

At 8/16/10 02:41 AM, Techno wrote: Try increasing your mouse speed to get a better score or something.

Usually on these games with timers if you have a newer machine, the clock counts down too quickly. Try using an older machine and I bet it's easier (have yet to try it myself).
On my newer laptop, I can barely break 40K without any penalties.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 10:59:24

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 11:45:54

At 8/16/10 10:59 AM, Jiedong wrote: new game
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 5405

Medals seem to be working, but, as usual, don't actually give points. Also, does anybody else's game stop sending enemies around the 140k mark? I'm just sitting here watching my distance and money counter go up.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 13:39:55

At 8/16/10 11:45 AM, WonderTheHedgehog wrote:
At 8/16/10 10:59 AM, Jiedong wrote: new game
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 5405
Medals seem to be working, but, as usual, don't actually give points. Also, does anybody else's game stop sending enemies around the 140k mark? I'm just sitting here watching my distance and money counter go up.

Must have just been a glitch. I got to about 200K i think when I saw the first boss and enemies were still coming. Hoping the boss doesn't come every 200K or were going to be here a long time... Maxed out the speed but I think the enemies/bosses still come at a rate per second, not rate per speed/distance... :(

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 14:09:11

That game just made me go mad into the 10M feet mark.
And all the bosses came at once for me.


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 14:10:51

Yep, saw the first boss too around the 200k mark, and I just kept going up to 500k without seeing a second boss. After 500k, there are no enemies left, so I'm around 750k now hoping to die somehow. I was actually enjoying the game a bit, meh.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 14:15:57

Just saw wonderthehedgehog had like 8 games more than me on nglogs, and one of them I can't even get now? he's got medals for this game called pew pew, and the only game I can find with that name is the one above, but its not the same. If you click the medals, it says the game doesn't exist. grrr

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 14:18:59

At 8/16/10 02:15 PM, waynerz99 wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 3751
Just saw wonderthehedgehog had like 8 games more than me on nglogs, and one of them I can't even get now? he's got medals for this game called pew pew, and the only game I can find with that name is the one above, but its not the same. If you click the medals, it says the game doesn't exist. grrr

Here you go. Have no clue why its called pew pew.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 14:24:14

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 15:16:13

Thanks for that post WTH.

Found a secret password in the new button game: syphillis. There, were even :P

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 16:48:34

Does anyone have the last two medals for clamflight? Are they even possible, the enemies stop appearing at a certain point. Do you have to wait a VERY long time?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 17:54:29

I have those last two medals.
They glitched for me.


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2010-08-16 18:29:52

I still can't get over 42k on the "shaking" game. It's like no matter how I'm moving it the points are sporadic and sometimes completely stop adding for half a second. So, uhm, what the fuck do I do? Just say "fuck it" and label it as a shitty game that I'll never play?