At 4/23/09 09:13 PM, STEM wrote:
Bug in Red Moon, you can get the "collect all orbs" medal without actually collecting all the orbs. I received the medal while trying numerous times near the end of the game to get all the medals in one level, when suddenly it just gave it to me. Anyone else experience this?
Double post.
I think it actually varies.
Some users have tried their absolute best to get all the orbs and to get that medal and have failed, while others haven't even tried and got it by accident.
My guess is you died a TON and kept getting the orbs whenever you respawned.
I also think the number of orbs required isn't in stone, someone said earlier it takes around 100 orbs to get the medal, but I just got the medal and it took around 350 orbs.
This needs to be investigated further.
Also any users who get the medal "Introduction" after the "Don't skip em" medal is clearly cheating, as the introduction movie, along with all the other cut scenes, are required to get the Don't skip em medal.
Thought i'd point that out, as Josh probably wants to catch as many cheaters and/or hackers as possible.