Added Fear Mission 1 to FAQ.
At 4/20/09 10:42 PM, SevasTra wrote: Also I saw in the video guide for M5 Wylo gets up to A+ or A++ on the first spiny demon guy after you go through the second door, where as I can only get to like A or A+ after the first 3.
Maybe its the power of the weapon that gives more stylish points? You also need to have HellDrive on. Dual blades hit faster than the other weapons.
At 4/20/09 11:30 PM, jmalouin7 wrote: I have a theory on why upgrade your magic meter(demon master) medal won't work.
after playing the game, every medal that is an upgrade medal requires you to upgrade(health//weapon) 10 times before you can get the medal. Well, the magic upgrades only go to 9. so my theory is that the demon master medal unlocks at 10, and since the magic upgrades only go to 9, it is unattainable that way.
Your theory is correct.
At 4/21/09 01:45 AM, jmalouin7 wrote: he did some editting to the save game file. who would you report him too?
That too is on my FAQ. sigh... You report to PsychoGoldfish