At 3/3/10 09:03 AM, thelastmedalgot wrote: 9271
New game with medals !
I'm stuck on level 28. I know what I'm supposed to do but it seems to be impossible to do it fast enough. I've also been writing down passwords for all the levels. Here's what I've got so far:
Stage 1: A9K7 - Just walk to the left
Stage 2: B3J7 - Press space to go under the plants
Stage 3: C0I5 - Push a rock out of the way, then go under the rocks at the top
Stage 4: D0H1 - Push the middle rock at the bottom, then push the top and bottom rocks at the top to move the middle one out of the way. Then go under the plant
Stage 5: E4G5 - Under the rock, down the hole
Stage 6: F0F8 - Medal get: walk in front of the Bubba. Level win: go under him
Stage 7: G9E4 - Go underground to get to the rock, push it down toward the bottom right dude, then push it over in front of the bottom centre dude. Go under the rock and exit
Stage 8: (missed it) - Push through the rocks at the bottom, then go under the rocks at the top and exit
Stage 9: I9C9 - Tap right, go down until the 3rd dude on the right is on his downstroke, tap left, continue to bottom and exit
Stage 10: H1B5 - Move the rock in front of him and proceed to exit
Stage 11: K3A2 - Push the rock up against the first guy, then move quickly to the bottom below the second guy to get out of range. Go underground past the third guy, then walk up the left to between the 3rd and 4th guys up there. Move to the left to walk up out of range, and go underground to the stones. Push the top middle one down, then the top right one right, then the bottom right one down all the way, then the bottom left one up, and proceed to the exit
Stage 12: L3Z7 - First boss level, Feed him lettuce to slow him down (and for a medal get), and race to the bottom
Stage 13: M9Y0 - Die to a piggie for medal get. Blue piggies do the opposite what you do. Walk in front of one of the orange dudes and immediately walk down to get out of range, and send the blue piggies North. Walk against the rock to get the ones below out of the way. Push the rock down just far enough that you can get by, then go around under it and push that one far enough that you can burrow. Go under it and exit
Stage 14: N3W2 - Pink piggies do as you do. Move right then down, then push the boulder in front of the Bubba and proceed to exit
Stage 15: O8V4 - Pale green piggies mimic you sideways, and do the opposite vertically. Go up and to the right, then manoeuver yourself to the bottom right corner area and head left to exit
Stage 16: P8U1 - Walk down to get the two piggies on the right together at the alcove, then go back to the middle of your aisle and push the rock to the right. Piggies take time to swing. Manoeuver yourself so you're at the start of the middle row at the bottom, and move left until the piggie takes a swing at you, then quickly move away so it misses. This will separate the two piggies. Get them in line with each other horizontally and walk past them, then burrow to the exit
Stage 17: Q8T9 - Move left a bit, then move down until you're against the piggies beneath you. Move right until you're past the exit point, then walk down to get the piggies out of the way. Proceed to exit
Stage 18: R4S1 - Move right until they start to swing, then move back out of the way and proceed again. Rinse and repeat for the rest of them.
Stage 19: S8R0 - Use the piggies as blockers for the Bubbas, just like rocks
Stage 20: T2Q6 - Second boss level, Move the first boulder to the right (will take two pushes as the boss attacks you on the first one), then clear a path to the lava. Outrun it to the boss and he'll make a break for it, then proceed to the exit. DO NOT take the path on the right, it is a dead end. Make sure you stay on the brick path or you will move too slow to outrun the lava. ONE MISSTEP ON THE SLOW PATH WILL KILL YOU. Medal get when you clear the lava to exit. I lost 10 lives on this level from single missteps
Stage 21: U0Q3 - Get killed by a green thing - medal get. Move the rock on the right as far left as you can. Burrow past the gems and cross to the left. Move up until you can walk directly right, then do so. Push the rock up so it blocks the bottom of the two green things on the right. Get the second rock out and push it up to block the green thing up top. Proceed to exit
Stage 22: V2P0 - Green Bubbas swing much faster, but follow the same rules. Move the rock in the bottom right out of the way and get the piggie up past the first two green Bubbas. Position the piggie as a blocker (be patient) and use him to block your way past the central green Bubba. Burrow past the remaining green Bubba to the exit
Stage 23: W8O8 - Burrow in the square and position the pink piggies on either side of you FACING VERTICALLY. Unburrow and walk straight to the exit
Stage 24: Q9N4 - Position the piggie as a blocker and move past the Bubba, burrow to the exit
Stage 25: Y2M2 - Purple blobs freeze you if they see you. Burrow to the bottom and move the righthand rock up to block the left attack chamber, then move the lefthand rock up to block the top attack chamber. Go behind the first green Bubba and then down against the second and walk all the way left to get out of its range, then inch down until you can burrow to the exit
Stage 26: Z0L6 - Burrow to the top left and move that rock to block the middle purple thing from seeing you, and put it in such a position that it also blocks the bottom purple thing from attacking upwards. Move the next rock to block the top purple thing attacking left and the middle one attacking up, and move the last rock to block the top one attacking upwards. Proceed to exit
Stage 27: A6K1 - This level is all manual dexterity. You need to start at the top of the aisle, dodge the feather downward and move right, then quickly move left and up as the Bubba attacks you, then get past it and dance past all the flying feathers until you can burrow. Then just burrow to the exit
Stage 28: B6J0 - Stuck here.