At 2/27/10 08:14 AM, KingExodus wrote:
That's considered getting the medals unfairly also considerably thought as or known as hacking.
Would you consider having a slow computer cheating as well? Because if I go to school and try to play When Pigs Fly it's considerably easier as the game runs so fucking slow compared to my computer at home. This is just once again giving an unfair, and quite considerable, advantage to people with slower computers and then saying that people with fast ones who're just putting themselves on the same level as those with slower ones are cheating. You might call it cheating, if you think being clever is cheating, but it can hardly be called hacking.
Anyway could someone record a playthrough of Vector Boom where get 225k (or more) in survival mode. Because last time I tried I think I did decently, and then I got ~120k so I must be doing something horribly wrong. For anyone who has completed Eon a guide for each level on how to reach par, or just complete them, wouldn't hurt either as I'm completely stuck on the remaining levels.