Sorry for DP but heres part one of two or three for Alkie kong 2... i missed out the bottles beacuse i couldnt be bothered...
this is for brutal levels... i have the first 6 written up... i have some sneaky hits for later levels like cutting the whole thing in half...
go right grab a box then throw to the left... grab another box and run to the one you threw and jump and throw just before you get to it... then grab the next... keep this up *you should kill a bat in the process* then stack em up under the ladder... jump / climb and press a at the top and fall down... run to the door and you should do it with 283 seconds left... *bottle ontop of the crate lorry*
jump and grab red crate, jump over the next hole turn and DROP it and then carry on *climb up ladder to avoid the bat and flick switch grab key jump off the side *for bottle... jump at the last second*
you should land on your red crate and jump over the last hole... done with 286 left
rush and jump onto the ladder... jump onto the last box and jump the molty... grab the furthest crate and lob... then the second and lob and the third... lob... then jump towards alkiekong to telport to the end plakform... done with 291 left *not the safest way but the quickest and for bottle stack two crates up and jump for it*
ok grab and throw to the right *try to miss the bat as it respawns in a worse place to avoid* thow them up onto the barrel and then up the far ladder... avoid the bats and make a tower of crates... jump up and grab that key... throw it to left *killing bat if lucky* drop down the ladder you came up... run to the next ladder and jump up and grab, climb / grab key / drop down / to door... done... around 264 left
jump over molty, grab red crate and drop it at the end of the ramp... jump up then climb ladder, then follow bat across and jump next one and then the next... if quick you can do the whole top part without stoping for the bat and make it to the other side... drop the crates down *should go all the way to the 2nd floor if possioned right, and then drop to the first floor to make a tower, fall down avoiding molty and grab red crate, jump the tower and use the crate as a bridge, *stop the front of the crate in the second window away from the other side in the backfround to make them fall off and die.. muwahaha... do this twice and drop to the left... jump up and grab key *bat is around so watch out* fall down to 2nd floor and onto the tower... watch out for the molty and drop to door.. around 260 left.
is a bugger... be quick and grab the barrle.. charge the molty and jump+throw.. this should make you clear the molty and kill the bat... grab the barrel and go up to the next floor... here wait for bat to cross and throw the barrel down, fall down after he has had a fit and grab it, kill bat and up twice... follow the bat and kill it if you wish, hit alkie again and fall down after fit... get the barrel *watch out for floor bats (they live in the floor and nibble your toes!)* and go to the end... wait for the red plakform to come down jump on it and throw it while jumping... then avoid everything for about a second and wo-la!...
hope this helps new players as well as ones trying for gold... ciao