Medieval Rampage medals aren´t broken, today I played it on another computer and they appeared.
Medieval Rampage medals aren´t broken, today I played it on another computer and they appeared.
if a medal is broken and no one can get it... then its ok... i know its a bit anoying when its there starting you in the face... but if others have it and you cant get it anymore... its a bit unfair...
with that in mind i think games shouldnt get any harder once they come out... nor should they get any easyer... but thats just me... i can see why the staff nurfed the Pink Knight as well as the maddness game... its not all about a challenge... but an enjoyable game and experience...
What the hell people?You're having a flame war without me?
Just kiddin.
Anyway, Techno, Caraboo is not making himself look like an idiot, you are.
You are one of the many users that pop in here, say radnom shit and then leave...and of course, they don't talk about games with medals but troll other users...
And Poozy, don't you think that people can say whatever they like, even if it's about the NG staff?..unless it's something offensive of course...but this is not the case.
Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
At 10/12/09 09:34 PM, Techno wrote: It seems to me you are trying really hard to get a staff position on the site lmao. Either that or you are too hurt that you don't have one and are doing anything to get one. Also i assume you know how much Newgrounds makes yearly, monthly, and daily to say the things you said.
... possibly stupider than ANIMEstarved's firsts postson this thread.. (sorry ANIME).
You gloating about having the shift 4 medals further proves your arrogance towards others, you are just making yourself look like a fool.
Well I thought that you'd be able to connect my first post with the response to yours but I guess I was wrong when I assumed you had an IQ higher than 20 and could rationally connect the second statement's implied meaning to the first statement. This is exactly what I said in the first post: "and I'm really pissed that the Shift 4 medals haven't been approved yet for all of you who don't have them." Then you decided to go into stupid mode and call me selfish..? When I was making a statement about me being upset that OTHER people could NOT get the medals when they should rightfully have the opportunity to..?
God you need to get cocksmacked real hard.
If you want to go any further please do PM me, i don't think you should embarrass yourself publicly like this.
Sorry for anyone who had to read this.
Ya.. I think you failed to understand a single thing I said and then decided to try to flame me out of nowhere.. so who should be embarrassed..? Cause I gotta tell ya. I'm sure as hell not.
Poozy Time:
At 10/12/09 09:37 PM, EyeLovePoozy wrote: Caraboo.
You do not know what you are talking about. The staff is busy with many things and just hiring someone is not as easy/cheap/simple as you think it is. You need to settle down and continue to enjoy the site if you so choose to. If choose not to, your other option is to stfu.
This is just so soooo entertaining coming from an UNPAID forum mod. Congratulations, you've come so far. I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about too, right? Can I just quote someone real fast?
At 10/12/09 09:34 PM, Techno wrote: Also i assume you know how much Newgrounds makes yearly, monthly, and daily to say the things you said.
Enlighten us Poozy, please enlighten us.
Yo HeavyTank, let's get 'em.
At 10/13/09 12:16 PM, MrLuckDuck wrote: caraboo get of your high horse. your ego is like, out heeeeeeeeeeeere.
And you are the humblest person in the world....
someone really cares about medals, lmao. patheticyo.
Someone should stop fucking posting here if he doesn't care about medals.Obviousyo.
At 10/13/09 12:51 PM, MrLuckDuck wrote: witty, complements that overused 10yr old picture. lol, i love the relationship between you and caraboo, seems very pink. god would be displeased.
Yeah, it's kinda hard for the pic to be overused since it's from a 3 year old game...
Also, l think that you're trying too hard to troll me.Your posts are not smart and they are very annoying..why don't you leave this thread?
also, over 1k med pointz, oh yh.
Poozy, calling Mod Poozy to the sandbox, the little boys are bickering again.
I just hope we don't hit another medal-game dry spell like we did pretty much the entire month of August. Anyone remember that?
At 10/13/09 01:33 PM, KrevZabijak wrote: *Krrhhhkk*
Poozy, calling Mod Poozy to the sandbox, the little boys are bickering again.
I just hope we don't hit another medal-game dry spell like we did pretty much the entire month of August. Anyone remember that?
MrLuckDuck, you're an idiot. Not even worth my time.
And Krev we have a new game coming out tomorrow Glass Fish Rhythm Adventure. At least according to the Upcoming page we do.
At 10/13/09 01:03 PM, MrLuckDuck wrote: the reference, the "cup of shut the fuck up" has been around for a fuck long time.
Maybe, but that guy is the soldier from TF2.
depends what you call a troll. most of you are just funny to mess around with, you take things so seriously. also i sense a ban coming for like 4 people in this threeeaaad.
We take things so seriously?If l took things so seriously then l would go on epic rage mode because you said that l'm gay...which, apart from being very immature, is also waaay more overused than my pic...
By the way, if you really wanna know, a troll is a person that keeps insulting people for fun and then watching their reactions...there are many sub-species, but this is their main objective..and as you can see you do fall into that category.
And if someone's gonna get banned it's you and Techno because you keep posting unrelated stuff and insult the people here.....(AKA trolling).
As you always say, if we got something to say to each other, use PM.
Can we please get back to medal games now?PLEASE?
So crazy idea...we could use this thread to help people having trouble with medal games. Like me.
Why in the hell can I not get "All Levels under 50% hp" in MR2
At 10/13/09 01:41 PM, MrLuckDuck wrote: lolz, sorry tough guy i'll stop hurting your small ego emotion rage.
At 10/13/09 12:16 PM, MrLuckDuck wrote: caraboo get of your high horse. your ego is like, out heeeeeeeeeeeere.
Didn't know my ego could fluctuate so rapidly.. and without reason too.
At 10/13/09 12:36 AM, IngeniousCheese wrote: Medieval Rampage medals aren´t broken, today I played it on another computer and they appeared.
The first game's achievements are all glitched, but still obtainable. (If you log on an alt account you'll get every achievement you've gotten before on your regular account immediately upon starting the game)
The second game's "All Achievements" medal is glitchy because the in game achievements glitch as you get them.
At 10/13/09 01:53 PM, EggSaladSandwich wrote: So crazy idea...we could use this thread to help people having trouble with medal games. Like me.
Why in the hell can I not get "All Levels under 50% hp" in MR2
Because it's bugged.
Guys, how about you move this argue into somewhere FAR AWAY from this thread? :/
At 10/13/09 01:53 PM, EggSaladSandwich wrote: So crazy idea...we could use this thread to help people having trouble with medal games. Like me.
Why in the hell can I not get "All Levels under 50% hp" in MR2
Krev, DigDogy, and Wylo are the only people I know with the "All Achievements" medal for that game so PM one of them and ask them how to get it, or maybe they'll respond on here..
I know KingExodus has been trying to get it FOREVER. I think it's the last in game achievement he needs to do too.. which sucks. He may have given up on it too.. Good luck with that though.
Whada mean only people? you could always pm deity0 or skiller12 on how to get it...
Here is an even crazier idea. Start a thread in another category that is dedicated to settling these fights, and meanwhile continue to use this one (just for medals and game tips though).
I just don't get how to play FUI2 :(. I could try it all day and look at all walkthroughs ever made, but I will still suck at it.
At 10/13/09 02:12 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote:
I just don't get how to play FUI2 :(. I could try it all day and look at all walkthroughs ever made, but I will still suck at it.
I'm in the same boat, I've given up on that game a long time ago. I'm not restarting now just to get those extra points, especially if they are going to be removed. Hover Bot was fun, but that game is just stupid.
At 10/13/09 02:16 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:
:Hover Bot was fun, but that game is just stupid.
I don't really see why Hover Bot might get it's medals removed. They work just fine, the game has no glitches (that I know off). The only problem is that the medals don't show up on the page :/
At 10/13/09 02:08 PM, waynerz99 wrote: deity0
Wasn't it discovered that he was hacking to get both of the Literacy medals from Seed of Destruction amongst other things?
Yeah, can someone truly confirm that so I can fix up the list for next week?
At 10/13/09 02:12 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote: Here is an even crazier idea. Start a thread in another category that is dedicated to settling these fights, and meanwhile continue to use this one (just for medals and game tips though).
I just don't get how to play FUI2 :(. I could try it all day and look at all walkthroughs ever made, but I will still suck at it.
Im not GREAT at it, but the best thing i have learned to do is switch to the circular swords and just hit over and slice until they are up in the air and then hold up and slice away, if you get them against a wall you can do it til they die. on the tougher enemies, use your demon power up(f key) on and off because the burst of energy damages them.
At 10/13/09 02:21 PM, Hybrid-Of-Souls wrote:At 10/13/09 02:08 PM, waynerz99 wrote: deity0Wasn't it discovered that he was hacking to get both of the Literacy medals from Seed of Destruction amongst other things?
Yeah, can someone truly confirm that so I can fix up the list for next week?
If you read the last few pages (ignoring the disputes), myself and others have provided more than sufficient evidence against both deity0 and skiller12.
when did this turn into a caboose thread?... all i saw over the last two pages were about caboose... alot of ranting... and some crazy people screaming "baaawwwwww"...
ye who read this be warned... you will go mad if you stay any longer! *
* unless you already are...
anyway... what do you guys think of another "notepad tour *art fourms / picture* slideshow medal game?* just to cool down for a while... put the lastman controler down... leave alkie kong 2 alone... and stop spinning the bomb wheel... and write something usefull!!!... games and tips.. not broken medals and rants... tis sad :(
At 10/13/09 02:50 PM, LegolaSS wrote: ye who read this be warned... you will go mad if you stay any longer! *
* unless you already are...
Of course I already am.
and write something usefull!!!...
C'mhere and give Auntie Krev a hug.
Keep your silly arguments in PM or better yet, just drop it. lol
Also, keep the off topic posts to a minimum.
Caraboo, go take a break. I suggest playing outside or spitting at airplanes.
Heavytank, you're next if you don't tighten up.
At 10/13/09 02:37 PM, Caraboo wrote: If you read the last few pages (ignoring the disputes), myself and others have provided more than sufficient evidence against both deity0 and skiller12.
Right, I'm aware of deity0 and him hacking the literacy medals, and skiller12 just has a lot of crap against him, including Enigmata and Toss the Turtle?
Well i don't think you can blame him for either of those. I have the same thing for Enigmata.
As for Toss the Turtle, I explained it already about halfway down page 317. To simplify it, I had the same thing happen to me on TtT.
That new game is looking brilliant so far. I just can't wait for it. I wanna be the first to rape it and get all of it's Medals.
I do use the double swords on FUI2 but they still hit me even though I am hitting them enough to where they cant even move :(. (Also anyone want to help me blam this? 9/11 is fucking GREAT!! )
I think we should PM PsychoGoldfish about the medals of Deity0. We have enough evidence about that.
At 10/13/09 06:09 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote: I do use the double swords on FUI2 but they still hit me even though I am hitting them enough to where they cant even move :(. (Also anyone want to help me blam this? 9/11 is fucking GREAT!! )
I can't believe that shit actually went through :/