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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 11:51:02

So i have NG as a friend on facebook, and it said new game: Miami shark, posted 2 minutes ago, i was like, maybe i will be the first to post about it on the forums. Come over here and theres already people with several medals. :( i guess if i ever want to get a first game post i have to hawk the portal.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 11:58:19

At 10/7/09 11:38 AM, waynerz99 wrote: Bow down to your new God. Muhahaha.
Any chance of you cropping it down next time buddy? It was hard to see that!

lol gee what a buzz kill. Yeah i keep forgetting this forum doesn't have that feature where you click the picture and it magnifies. I know i'll only have that for a little while though. Or at least until the shift medals start working (which should be ANY DAY NOW ADMINS !!!! )

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 12:01:37

At 10/7/09 11:54 AM, Lizzardis wrote:
At 10/7/09 11:30 AM, Sizzlebuzz wrote: And all the medals seem to be working fine (and are easy to get).
Ahhh, some are.

I'm stuck on:
~ Eat 15 ducks
~ Crush 95 sailing yachts
~ Crush B-2 Spirit
~ Crush B-52 Fortress

Any tips?

Personally I just got every aircraft as they were coming and I eventually got them all. I had anywhere from 10-20 miles left I think.

As for the yachts, just keep crushing sailing boats, as those are the only "sailing yachts" that have enough to give you a score of 95. Different yacht kills don't add up for that medal.

As for the ducks, Just kill a few aircraft, then ignore all the rest and they should show up. There are only 16 of them in total I think, they come all at once. Or at least that is what it has given me twice.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 12:12:00

Is the 95 yacht medal cumulative, or do I just need to kill 95 over the course of a few games?

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 12:16:54

At 10/7/09 12:12 PM, STEM wrote: Is the 95 yacht medal cumulative, or do I just need to kill 95 over the course of a few games?

It would seem as tho you need to crush 95 yacht in one run. same with the 15 ducks medal. my forearm is starting to hurt, and my controls are sticking again. this really pisses me off that no one can tell me why that is happening.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 12:20:36

At 10/7/09 12:12 PM, STEM wrote: Is the 95 yacht medal cumulative, or do I just need to kill 95 over the course of a few games?

You need to kill 95 in a single game. Every boat is considered a yacht. Different yachts don't add for the medal though. So the only way to get it is to smash 95 of the sailing yachts "the ones with sails that aren't moving".

I had to play the game through twice, while only jumping on boats to get 95 in a single game. The first try I got 81 sailing, 15 speed, and 7 super. And the second try I got it near the end. Around 5 miles left. So I don't think they add up. They might though, but the best thing to do either way is to just smash everything.

Only the docked boats are the hard ones to get, so aiming for those is your best bet, because there are more of those than any others, and the leave your area quicker.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 12:33:27

so far so good. only need the 95 boats medal.
it has to be only the small boats, or banana boats and yatchs count too?
i feel the need of a "crush count", or something like that.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 13:00:45

At 10/7/09 12:33 PM, portalwarpedJP wrote: so far so good. only need the 95 boats medal.
it has to be only the small boats, or banana boats and yatchs count too?
i feel the need of a "crush count", or something like that.

scratch that last line, i didn't know that it had a stats button there.
even worse, my record is 93 boats.
i want to shoot someone.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 13:29:12

At 10/7/09 11:38 AM, waynerz99 wrote: Bow down to your new God. Muhahaha.

I'm sorry, what?

1) KrevZabijak 73 670 22315

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 14:01:06

For Sailor, stay near the right side of the screen, go down 1/2 the way into the water and predict and grab as many boats as you can. I you stay on the right side, you can slow down to get ones that you miss. Always get the bigger boats for easy destruction from combos.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 14:38:15

At 10/7/09 01:29 PM, KrevZabijak wrote:
At 10/7/09 11:38 AM, waynerz99 wrote: Bow down to your new God. Muhahaha.
I'm sorry, what?

1) KrevZabijak 73 670 22315

haha I knew it wouldn't last long. Thats why I had to take a screenshot and few validated for a few minutes. You just wait for shift...

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 14:43:29

For Sailor, do I have to destroy all boats in the game? I always let a few pass by because I take too long to go up and down...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 15:40:35

Yep...sailor is yet another medal i can't get due to my shit computer. I dive out of the water and when i hit either up is stuck and i can't dive from the surface or when i try to dive, down gets stuck and i can't jump back out of the water. left and right also get stuck an d i am about to throw my damn computer out the window!!!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 15:48:29

At 10/7/09 02:43 PM, Powdinet wrote: For Sailor, do I have to destroy all boats in the game? I always let a few pass by because I take too long to go up and down...

I just did a game where I got 91 (curses!), and I know I missed more than 4, so I don't think so.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 15:49:41

Ok, i got all medals on miami shark, except the duck one, but i haven't even seen one of them. Where are they? >:-(

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 15:57:09

At 10/7/09 03:49 PM, PaulDaPigeon wrote: Ok, i got all medals on miami shark, except the duck one, but i haven't even seen one of them. Where are they? >:-(

Sry for the double post, problem solved it's self. For some reason they haven't appeared yet.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 15:58:30

Let me know if I'm leaving something out. (Or if you think this is not necessary anymore.)
If the double-spaced recent games don't show properly, oh well. I do it the same time whenever I put up a link and sometimes it's hit or miss. Trailing spaces and all that jazz.

Some recent games

Secret Medals

When it comes to SECRET MEDALS, we'll ask you to be vague at best. If an author makes a medal secret, they've done so for a reason. So do not discuss SECRET MEDALS to any specific extent.
Current games with medals: The Official Games With Medals collection page list thing and stuff.


A large resource for walkthroughs regarding games with medals is located here. Please use this and other user-posted walkthroughs/FAQs scattered around the past 20 pages before asking a question here. If you still can't figure something out, or need other tips not given in the walkthroughs- then you may post asking for help.

Ranking List:

The top medal point users list - It is a user-maintained rankings list of the top NG users regarding medal points. This list is currently updated by Hybrid-Of-Souls. Largely relies on the NG Logs website, so be sure to log your stats regularly.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 16:03:34

Great.. Another one.. deity0

My personal favorite: Perfectionist before Explorer for Fig. 8. Haha

Also notable:
Trophy Boy before Sexy Ass (Isn't it one of the trophies..?) [Bunny Invasion]
Fail not immediately after Owned (If it's not before it then it should be right after it.. you automatically lose if you get Owned) [Epic Battle Fantasy]
[Epic War 3] medals just completely ass backwards..
Go Home before Beetle Battle [Lastman]
100 Achievements before 75 Achievements..? [Medieval Rampage]
Transgressive Compulsive first in [Newgrounds Rumble]
Golden Anchor before Captains Hat & Rusty Saber with a gap in between them [Pirate Golf Adventure]
You Must Be Cheating before Well, That Was Fun Now Wasn't It [Stickya Adventure]
10000 KM before 5000 KM [Super China Sweatshop Mastar]
Fabulous! before Whiskered Away [The Beard]
Addicted before Persistent [Toss The Turtle]
Dominus Lux is just oddly placed.. [William And Sly]

That's as many as I found with just a quick run through. Some of them can be explained technically under very rare circumstances but some of them.. No. They're just straight up unexplainable..

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 16:16:31

Also his medals in Crush the Castle are just the game's medals in reverse order.

In FUi2 he killed 250 enemies before killing 100 (at least he didn't take the impossible medal)

In Medieval Rampage he got 100 achievements before getting 75

Newgrounds Rumble, first thing he did was get 100% completion

Spewer, defeated the third chapter before the second

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 16:27:42

well miami shark wasn fun and funny, short but funny "shark","stealth mode!" lol :D i cant get 95 yachts though :( everything else pretty easy except for ducks, yachts and ducks only challenging ones in the game in my opinion :D

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 16:28:03

Not to be rude, but I don't think your post is necessary krev. Maybe if there was some way to edit and put it on the first page for new people coming to this forum, it would be good. However, If i'm out-voted and people want it / like it then i don't mind scrolling past it :)

And does deity have more medals out of order then he does in order? I mean thats like half the games in a mixed up order..

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 16:31:27

sorry for posting twice but i said it wasn fun, i accidentally put n there, i meant it was fun :D, anyway i hope i am now putting in enough commas (Krev and Tank) :D

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 16:59:11

At 10/7/09 04:31 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote: sorry for posting twice but i said it wasn fun, i accidentally put n there, i meant it was fun :D, anyway i hope i am now putting in enough commas (Krev and Tank) :D

I don't like you. But actually, I really do not like you at all. And stop double posting.

At 10/7/09 04:16 PM, chris-marks wrote: Also his medals in Crush the Castle are just the game's medals in reverse order.

Mine are like that too, along with other people who fully beat the game with all gold medals BEFORE the game was actually given Newgrounds medals.

In FUi2 he killed 250 enemies before killing 100 (at least he didn't take the impossible medal)

Good call

In Medieval Rampage he got 100 achievements before getting 75

Caught that already

Newgrounds Rumble, first thing he did was get 100% completion

Caught this one as well

Spewer, defeated the third chapter before the second

Another good call

I mean there is substantial evidence against this guy. That, and I'm really sick of no names coming out of nowhere with no forum posts, blog posts, etc.

I mean skiller12 also has substantial evidence against him.
[Epic War 3] medals 100% retardedly ordered
[Fear Unlimited Issue 2] has Demon Master?! 250 kills, then 500 kills, then 100 kills...
[Fig. 8] Professional before Trailblazer...
[Hover Bot Arena 2] Hyper Bot first is odd
[Newgrounds Rumble] Transgressive Compulsive before The Eventuallyending Story (this could just be because 100% was gotten at the same time as the completion of story mode?)
[Pirate Golf Adventure] Medal order is exactly the same as deity0's.. Which is both impossible and odd. Coincidence? I think not.
[Portal Defenders} Completely out of wack for almost all of them. First Blood was the 7th medal he got.. it should be one of the first three ONLY.
[Sonny 2] Over The Ashes before The Tape? Really? Wonder how he pulled that off.
[Time Kcuf]You've Learned Nothing before Is Something Wrong? and all other medals from going through the game naturally..
[Toss The Turtle] Worldsedge before In Space is kind of unnatural.. but possible.

So ya there you go everyone. Just some evidence I've gathered on skiller12and deity0. Do with it as you please.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:02:13

Is it me or the recent bug fix in Stamper's quest for Fags made the medals pop-up, but not save on the profile :/

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:17:21

Alot of work you've done there caraboo. I'd like the hackers out as much as the next person, but I think you can only use games that people havn't reported coming up strange (Like FUI) or games where you can click to retain the medal if it didn't popup for you (aka epic battle fantasy and Dad game).

I mean theres more then enough games where there is no explanation for medals in the wrong order, so if any formal protest is done up, I think it would be wise to exclude the games mentioned above. Unless you want to lengthen the process by them using excuses like "oh the game is glitched" or "I just used the medal send button and they came in that order".

Do not view my page, you will not be able to handle my avatar.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:41:31

well caraboo its ok u dont like me, but i cant say for certain that those 2 are hackers, i think its very possible that they are especially since they have pirate golf in the same messed up order, but for my computer on ng if i dont log out then back in for a while then whenever i get a medal it doesnt save unless its one of the game that resends it, so i'm playing enigmata and i hadnt logged out then in all day so i went past the dark guy on 15 i think for the Protector of Darkness medal and didnt get it and if i keep playing now that i have logged out/in i will probably get the next medal without getting Protector of Darkness, so i can see how some ppl's medals would get messed up sometimes but like the previous posts point out there are a lot of things out of line for those 2, and i double post because i dont want someone to say that i contradicted myself like in my most recent double post where i said it wasn fun then i said it was fun, i just didnt want to get anyone upset with me, but apparently that didnt quite work out :|

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:42:58

At 10/7/09 04:28 PM, waynerz99 wrote: Not to be rude, but I don't think your post is necessary krev.

No way to edit on a user-level. Unsure of staff access in those regards, but the thing is, this was done for pages and pages way back, then people just stopped. After a short while, they started again to try and streamline this thread to refocus posts on the purpose on which this was started. And the practice of this stopped.. Then mayhem ensued, there were people wanting this to be done again, so after countless pages I did just that. They loved it 'way back when,' so I'm waiting for users to voice their opinion.
It's only to try and assist the influx of new users and those who just discovered the medal system after taking a hiatus/sabbatical/break/etc.

It was necessary then, it just might be necessary now. I leave it up to everyone. Maybe, since medal games aren't being produced as quickly as they were then, (and by then I mean the first 100 pages or so,) it could be done during times when there is a glut of medal games, yes?

Just trying to help. It's my nature to streamline, provide relevant iformation, and disambiguate, Blame it on my previous job. ;)

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:44:17

Since Miami Shark is released, Tom needs to update the upcoming list

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:47:27

At 10/7/09 05:17 PM, waynerz99 wrote: Alot of work you've done there caraboo. I'd like the hackers out as much as the next person, but I think you can only use games that people havn't reported coming up strange (Like FUI) or games where you can click to retain the medal if it didn't popup for you (aka epic battle fantasy and Dad game).

I mean theres more then enough games where there is no explanation for medals in the wrong order, so if any formal protest is done up, I think it would be wise to exclude the games mentioned above. Unless you want to lengthen the process by them using excuses like "oh the game is glitched" or "I just used the medal send button and they came in that order".

We can ask the authors the order the medals get sent in for "Medal Re-Send Buttons". They should always be sent in the same order, no matter who presses the button. The only variation would be in whether you had actually attained the medal being resent or not. So if two people with different medals from a particular game press the resend button, the medal they DID achieve would come in the same order, while there would be variations of order between some medals because one user would have it and the other wouldn't.

I feel like that's a poor way of putting it so let me say this:
User1 has medals {1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10}
User2 has medals (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10}

If the resend buttons is set to resend each medal starting at 1 and ending at 10 going in chronological order, then you would notice that 9 and 10 would still be together at the end, but with small variations between let's say medal 2 and medal 9 for each because User1 would have {2, 4, 6, 9] and User2 would have {2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9}.

The point is that from a programming perspective you can't have 2 different people say they resent the medals because this one, this one, and that one didn't register and have them show up differently than if a different user had the same 3 medals missing and when he resent them those specific 3 showed up in a DIFFERENT order than the previous users did. It's impossible unless you had to resend them multiple times for those specific 3 medals because only one registered each time and it just so happened to register 2 then 3 then 1 instead of 1 then 2 then 3.

Get what I'm saying?

At 10/7/09 05:26 PM, Alex12345269 wrote:
Well, I have 500 kills before 250, and I don't even have 100 kills because I already had a safe file in FUI2, so that's probably not the best evidence, but the rest is good.

This is true, this is not valid evidence seeing as how I myself even have the 250 before the 100. Haha

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-07 17:52:56

At 10/7/09 05:42 PM, KrevZabijak wrote:
At 10/7/09 04:28 PM, waynerz99 wrote: Not to be rude, but I don't think your post is necessary krev.
No way to edit on a user-level. Unsure of staff access in those regards, but the thing is, this was done for pages and pages way back, then people just stopped. After a short while, they started again to try and streamline this thread to refocus posts on the purpose on which this was started. And the practice of this stopped.. Then mayhem ensued, there were people wanting this to be done again, so after countless pages I did just that. They loved it 'way back when,' so I'm waiting for users to voice their opinion.
It's only to try and assist the influx of new users and those who just discovered the medal system after taking a hiatus/sabbatical/break/etc.

It was necessary then, it just might be necessary now. I leave it up to everyone. Maybe, since medal games aren't being produced as quickly as they were then, (and by then I mean the first 100 pages or so,) it could be done during times when there is a glut of medal games, yes?

Just trying to help. It's my nature to streamline, provide relevant iformation, and disambiguate, Blame it on my previous job. ;)

And sorry for the double post but this was posted while I was writing my last post.. Haha

Ya Krev I don't think it's necessary either. It started because there wasn't a games with medals list. Now there is so it doesn't really matter as much for those who are trying to find medal games anymore because they can simply go there instead of waiting for someone to post a new medal game they found after raping the Flash Portal's latest submissions.

I don't mind if you do it. If you do it too often it could get annoying.. that and I guarantee a mod will eventually yell at you for "boosting your posts" or some other stupid shit like that..

Personally, I think it would be a waste of your time and a waste of a post because there's the NG page for games with medals and also Wylina's Table Of Contents which directly links to each game and their walkthroughs. Not to mention that before you could make that post (unless of course you were the person to do the following) someone will have already posted the new game up here for all to see. Then shortly after it would be added to Wylina's page and the gameswithmedals page.

But hey, do what you want. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.