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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 08:42:12

At 4/3/09 04:26 AM, LegolaSS wrote: Awwww there there *patts head*... any newgrounds far should know where that game orginaly came from... ^-^, i agree easy 3 medals and 175 points in the kitty... just 2 more so far... dam time comsuming blue orbs!

how much time did you spend to get all the medlas in FA issue 2?
come on, 2665 medal points?

That's probably the hightes on Newgrounds..

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 09:04:04

Do you have to go through the entire game on alkie kong to get drunken deity or can you just not get hit on the final level using a password?

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 09:09:10

At 4/3/09 09:04 AM, life wrote: Do you have to go through the entire game on alkie kong to get drunken deity or can you just not get hit on the final level using a password?

Whole game. =3

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 09:14:20

Something like this should be posted every page.

Secret Medals

When it comes to SECRET MEDALS, I'll ask you to be vague at best. If an author makes a medal secret, they've done so for a reason. So do not discuss SECRET MEDALS to any specific extent.

List of Current Games With Medals


All walkthroughs for games with Medals are located here. Please use this walkthrough before asking a question here. If you still can't figure something out or need other tips not given in the walkthroughs then you may post asking for help.

Ranking List

The top medal point users list - The rankings of the top users with medal points. List currently updated by Hybrid-Of-Souls.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 10:19:49

Cheers to Denvish and Corky for the maintenance posts. Props to Wylo also for handling the userpage FAQ.

My thoughts on the Fulp game and the medals:

It was a good little game for what it was, but I don't think the medal design was all that great. Let me be clear: I mean, there were no ISSUES with them but you cannot expect the "walkthroughs" to not surface. It was highly unrealistic to expect that stuff not be leaked. When ALL you need to do to earn a medal is type one word (or a sequence of them in an exhaustive list) it really makes it child's play for the amoral statwhores to trade the information. The same thing can be said of NG PASS 3.

I think if one is going to make medals, they should be based on some sort of skill or endurance, and not simple knowledge. Of course there are always ways to "cheat" but doings this makes it a LOT harder. Also in the Fulp game, you got a medal for practically every outcome, which sort of dampers the "woo I achieved something!" feeling.

I hope the authors see this criticism as constructive!

On another note, I have an interesting idea for a medal based interactive that wouldn't require heavy coding; it's got potential to be well received... at least it's unique... I think - if anyone is interested shoot me a PM.


Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 13:24:47

At 4/3/09 10:19 AM, Zerok wrote: Cheers to Denvish and Corky for the maintenance posts. Props to Wylo also for handling the userpage FAQ.


I think if one is going to make medals, they should be based on some sort of skill or endurance, and not simple knowledge. Of course there are always ways to "cheat" but doings this makes it a LOT harder. Also in the Fulp game, you got a medal for practically every outcome, which sort of dampers the "woo I achieved something!" feeling.

I hope the authors see this criticism as constructive!

I think it's a fundamental design problem that shouldn't be taken too seriously. Even microsofts achievements system has its rotten apples.

On another note, I have an interesting idea for a medal based interactive that wouldn't require heavy coding; it's got potential to be well received... at least it's unique... I think - if anyone is interested shoot me a PM.

I wonder if movies, or even the site itself will get medals too. Something like: "Medal get: Watched 5.000 flash animations / the entire madness series / rated every submission of the last 24 hours / played 50 hours of dating sim.". Microsoft already did a survey about non-gaming achievements.

But now that i think about it, that would probably be an overkill.

NG Medals! Go get some.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 14:30:47

Does anyone have any tips on how to beat level 2 in FU really fast? I´m trying to get A+ rank, but first I did it on mortal (which appearantly doesn´t count) and then I tried it on slayer. I got A+ on kills and style, but a D on time... =/

The strategy I used was: Trap her in a corner, use electrical blades and D+down to move her up. Wait for her to jump on and slash down, get out of the way and use D+down again. Repeated until I killed her. Is there a faster way to kill her?

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 14:34:21

At 4/3/09 02:30 PM, Auz wrote: The strategy I used was: Trap her in a corner, use electrical blades and D+down to move her up. Wait for her to jump on and slash down, get out of the way and use D+down again. Repeated until I killed her. Is there a faster way to kill her?

That's the strategy I use, it's impossible to get A+ that way. I'm trying to find another way to do it.


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 14:37:18

At 4/3/09 02:42 AM, JarrodK wrote: I'd rather work in a sweatshop all my life than play that game again.

Die in a fire.

That game is awesome.

You're clearly not a Newgrounds user if you didn't get the massive joke about that game.

Apparently no one on this site ever played Alien Hominid in their life.

At 4/3/09 01:58 PM, Murad136 wrote: If your asking about the "Don't get hit on the boss fights" yes you can put in the level code but you still have to complete the level without getting hit.

No, hes asking if you can get Drunken Deity by just putting in the code to go the last level on brutal and beating the boss.

And the answer is....no. :(

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 14:37:50

At 4/3/09 02:30 PM, Auz wrote: Does anyone have any tips on how to beat level 2 in FU really fast? I´m trying to get A+ rank, but first I did it on mortal (which appearantly doesn´t count) and then I tried it on slayer. I got A+ on kills and style, but a D on time... =/

I usually do like this: attract her to the left corner and jump. Wait for her to jump as well, then slash her with the down+D attack, using the regular sword. Then, use the up+D attack, wait for her to jump again and slash her again with the down+D. You'll get the hang of it with some practice. I think I was able to do it in the Hybrid level. Remember not to kill her in the left corner, since it crashes the game.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 14:52:43

In FUI2 (which I grudgingly admit has grown on me), I like to use Attack+Down until she starts blocking, and then Jump+Down to retreat as soon as she starts blocking. It'll keep you away from her counter. Also using Attack+Down in the air can work, but you have to be right on top of her, not just in such that only the blade would land on her.

If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 15:19:31

Use the Down+D attack and trap her in a corner. Launch her and yourself into the air with Up+D. Start flying with D. She will jump up to try to reach you so descend to her jump height while still flying to meet her and whack away at her. When she blocks, mash D faster to ascend and let her drop. Repeat til death. Its similar to mission 6 first method.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 16:37:39

any advice and or tips on how to hurt the boss in level 3 of alkie kong??

any help would be much appreciated, bare with me i am getting the hang of these games, its my fault for playing RTS type games all my life :(



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 17:06:00

At 4/3/09 04:37 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: any advice and or tips on how to hurt the boss in level 3 of alkie kong??
any help would be much appreciated, bare with me i am getting the hang of these games, its my fault for playing RTS type games all my life :(

"It's the 3rd boss battle and is a bit of an endurance fight.

Alkie Kong is in a bit of a box and has a switch that allows him to drop some wooden kegs into the level.

You can climb down the ladder (watching out for the molty below) before the first set of kegs gets anywhere near you.

When you get to the bottom, head left. You will notice a piston-like pole under a chunk of the floor. The switch to the left will raise this floor. If the molty is on the piston, it too will be raised. You can use this to position the molty on whatever platform you feel would be easiest to avoid him on. Personally, I recommend leaving him at the bottom because the falling barrels don't touch the leftmost bit of the floor there, giving you more room to avoid the molty. You can also use the ladder and wait for it to walk under you.

After you have raised the piston, go back up the ladder you started on and jump across to the newly raised floor. The rolling kegs come in sets of 3, so keep that in mind when you time your movement.

Climb the next ladder and head right. (ignore the crate for now, you will use it later)

On the right is section of wood. you can hide under the first little beam, or stand on the beam, as far right as possibel, and the barrels will roll right over your head. When you get an opening get to the top and head right.

Hit the switch at the far right, then follow the next set of barrels to the bottom of the level.

Avoding the molties, jump your way to the right and climb the ladder. You will see that the switch you just flipped has raised the floor on this side so you can now jump over and hit the 3rd switch on this wall.

This switch will raise the roof of Alkie Kong's little box. Work your way back up to the top. Down the grey platform up there and get the bonus bottle, then climb back up again and grab the crate.

Throw the crate into Alkie's box for a sure hit. He will hit one of the switches in his pen and all the pistons will reset. Repeat the sequence 2 more times and he'll run away again."

If you need any other help: http://www.webgamemagazine.com/2007/09/2 1/alkie-kong-2-walkthrough/ or Wylo's blog.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 18:45:40

Although I can admit that I wished the game came out better, FU2 tends to piss me off. Now I was wondering if someone could help me on getting the A+ medal on Stage 1.

I can get enough points sure, I can speed through it fast enough, and enemies rarely ever hit me. But that damn demon thing that appears after the first one when you kill all of the "normal" enimies pisses me off. It's too damn fast to dodge, guns won't effect it, and when I tried to hit it with my sword I died. I'm on Slayer mode by the way, so if there's anything after that damn thing that I should know about please tell me now!

Listen, the first part is pretty much cake-walk for me, but how the hell do I kill that second "Boss" I guess you would call it?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 19:06:25

At 4/3/09 06:45 PM, JJgamer93 wrote: Although I can admit that I wished the game came out better, FU2 tends to piss me off. Now I was wondering if someone could help me on getting the A+ medal on Stage 1.

Try it on a harder level (Impossible would be the best choice). Here are the requirements to get A+ on Stage one, taken from Wylo's FAQ (give it a read):

Mission 1 - 300,000, 3 minutes, 30 kills

Listen, the first part is pretty much cake-walk for me, but how the hell do I kill that second "Boss" I guess you would call it?

Spam "helldrive", the default would be the "F" button. Use it once that pink bar is charged about 1/3.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 19:39:34

Well, I had some problems on Fear Unlimited Issue 2 with those monsters that explode. You know, if you keep hitting them, they'll explode when they die, so I have to be away from them so I won't lose any hp. So I only use guns on them, and also on the other ones, and that takes me a lot of time.

So any tips on killing them, without using guns?

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-03 19:47:11

At 4/3/09 07:39 PM, dx5231 wrote: Well, I had some problems on Fear Unlimited Issue 2 with those monsters that explode. You know, if you keep hitting them, they'll explode when they die, so I have to be away from them so I won't lose any hp. So I only use guns on them, and also on the other ones, and that takes me a lot of time.

So any tips on killing them, without using guns?

Personally, I use the uppercut (up+D) followed by the slash (down+D) a few times, until he's weakened. After that, I get either the shotgun or the machine gun and finish them.

I don't like using the "Helldrive" on them, because they often explode near you. However, if one of them gets you, use it to separate him from you. That is, if you are able to use it. Otherwise, I keep shooting them until they explode. At least you'll take something from him.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 01:49:51

Okay now FU2 is really pissing me off. I've beaten the first level with A+ requirements TWICE, but the damn game won't proceed me to the next level or even the results from the first level!

At first I thought that it was because I killed the LAST enemy, that wasn't a boss mind you, at the left side of the screen. And I heard people talking about that F*ing up their game. And true, the last enemy wouldn't disapear and I was stuck there, I went to the pause screen, which was hard enough to find, and hit save so that I could keep all of the kills and upgrade data. Unfortunately even though I saved it when I exited and relpayed the game my save data started off when I unlocked my 100 kills medal.

So then I beat it again with A+ requirements and made sure that the last enemies killed were on the right/middle side of the screen. They died, disapeared, but the damn game still did not progress me. I saved it again and even waited a few minutes to make sure that it registered this time, even though I was still pissed off that the damn game glitched. I even waited five minutes to see if it would progress me, forgeting about getting the under 3 minutes thing.

And then right now when I tried to replay it, it again left off where I got my 100 kills medal! All of my upgrade and kill data gone again!

WHAT THE HELL?! Is there anyway I can fix this saving problem and can anyone tell me a succesful way to pass level 1 without the game glitching? I've done it before, but God Damn it it won't let me again! I was on Slayer by the way, and I'm going to try Hybrid right now.

(DAMN, I want to like this game so bad, but it's so F*ing glitched I'm about ready to give up on it all together!)

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 02:18:12

Though you [i]can[/i] get the Bat Crazy medal by going straight to the last level. Or at least you could when I found out by accident last week.

I assume you have to get all 24 bottles in a single game, not cumulative?

At 4/3/09 09:09 AM, Gagsy wrote:
At 4/3/09 09:04 AM, life wrote: Do you have to go through the entire game on alkie kong to get drunken deity or can you just not get hit on the final level using a password?
Whole game. =3

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 02:40:18

At 4/4/09 02:18 AM, chris-marks wrote: Though you [i]can[/i] get the Bat Crazy medal by going straight to the last level. Or at least you could when I found out by accident last week.

No way, or else I would've gotten it when I got my Beerbot Smash Medal! And I even tried it right now and I didn't get the Bat Lover Medal when beating the game. Oh well, back to either trying for medals on hard-ass Alkie Kong, time consuming Thing Thing, or *shudders* FU2

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 02:43:22

At 4/4/09 02:18 AM, chris-marks wrote: Though you [i]can[/i] get the Bat Crazy medal by going straight to the last level. Or at least you could when I found out by accident last week.

I assume you have to get all 24 bottles in a single game, not cumulative?

to get the 6/12/24 bottles.. you must collect them in a SINGLE run without restarting...

yes yes FUi2 is bugged... lots of problems... but there is already ALOT of walkthroughs and tips for the game... please READ this thread before posting already commented problems...

the ???? medal is mostly a bug so just egnore it... chow...


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 03:27:50


I just spent about 10 minutes beating mission 2 on FU2 and in-game it said I got the badge for beating it without getting hit. Lo-and behold I check my account and, NOTHING! Not only that, but my in-game data is actually saved this time, but it always says that I haven't unlocked a single medal!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 04:43:05


are there any user restrictions for creating a game that has medals

i am currently working on a game, the game looks nice to achieve medals in..




BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 06:39:14

At 4/4/09 01:49 AM, JJgamer93 wrote: Okay now FU2 is really pissing me off. I've beaten the first level with A+ requirements TWICE, but the damn game won't proceed me to the next level or even the results from the first level!

this must suck

(DAMN, I want to like this game so bad, but it's so F*ing glitched I'm about ready to give up on it all together!)

the core gameplay is good, but it needs a lot of work

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 09:16:15

At 4/3/09 11:58 PM, ZyklonB wrote: Has anybody else seen this when playing? A medal with question marks

I got that when I should have achieved the Medal for upgrading one of your spells to full power, but nothing was added to my in-game Achievement list or my Newgrounds profile.

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 09:16:53

At 4/4/09 03:27 AM, JJgamer93 wrote: PISS ME OFF WITH A 9 FOOT POLE!

I just spent about 10 minutes beating mission 2 on FU2 and in-game it said I got the badge for beating it without getting hit. Lo-and behold I check my account and, NOTHING! Not only that, but my in-game data is actually saved this time, but it always says that I haven't unlocked a single medal!

I believe that medal is very bugged. I remember I got it the first time while I actually got hit several times. I would say, try restarting the game and go to the menu with equip (just before you go to the fight). Sometimes your medal suddenly does show up after that (or at least it did when I got A+ on Level 6).

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 11:16:41

At 4/4/09 04:43 AM, black-father wrote: cool...

are there any user restrictions for creating a game that has medals

i am currently working on a game, the game looks nice to achieve medals in..

Medals are not yet available to the public, as they are still in their beta testing phase. But don't worry. PsychoGoldfish has promised that in the future, medals will be available to artists.

Now with 100% more Steam! lI Minecraft you say? II XBL: WorseThanMonday II

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-04-04 11:47:16