At 8/12/09 02:17 PM, Auz wrote:At 8/12/09 01:00 PM, Arthuria99 wrote: The worst part is, when i lost his contact at enemy's castle he suddenly appeared in front of my castle, and seriously,,,wtf?! how did he get there? i do believe my phoenix attack just knocked him a while agoWell he sure doesn´t teleport there ;) He just kills off your units quickly and runs forward.
my unit foer this level is always; goblin,dwarf engineer,mermaid,centaur archer,succubus fire and magic cannon, meteor(small one) phoenix,invisible,power up,potion and blizzard
damn you invisible imp!
I think I would drop the succubus and magic cannon if I were you and perhaps replace them by minotaurs and zombies or suicide bombers. You gotta use the most cannonfodderish units possible for this.
Magic cannon i can agree with cause for cave trial 5 its garbage to use. However Succubus im not so sure. if i remember right, when the succubus attacks the imp it'll get knocked up into the air forcing it back and givin you some extra time. If you got alot of em, you can actually keep the imp in the air for quite a long time, specially if you got invinciblity since the imp cant actually kill the succubus.
Auz is right though, you want Minotaurs on your team, they (accordin to the in game description) does alotta damage to the castle.