The point of The Petition is to get the attention of NG Staff Members to recognize the broken medals and the authors failing to fix them. This recognition will hopefully lead to the disabling of these specific broken medals, or if the game is glitchy itself or has multiple broken medals then all medals for that game be removed until they have been fixed.
Nowhere in the petition do I state that medals should be removed simple because I can't get them. i have all 4 of the Shift 4 medals, but because they are currently broken, other people can not achieve them. That's unfair, and they should be removed until they have been fixed. When they are fixed and go back online hopefully everyone who has already achieved them will be given back the medals for those games, at least I hope that is a possibility.
The only medals I put on the list to be removed are 100% broken, glitched, or unachievable medals. I have not added any medals to the list to be removed that are based on me not personally being able to achieve them.
As far as Drop The Bomb (Medals) medals go, someone may start their own petition to have all purely luck based medals removed from Newgrounds, but to have those added to THIS petition would create a huge flaw in my argument. Those medals are achievable (with the exception of Someone Set Us Up The Bomb) but nonetheless a pain in the ass. Not a concern for THIS petition though.
Fear Unlimited Issue 2 had it's medals removed after we all worked so damn hard for them. Yes, it was upsetting for us who had already achieved all of the medals possible in that game, but it was unfair to us to have to do so much extra work to get medals that weren't working properly. It would have been more unfair to keep the medals up for others to have to do extra work as well. The medals were removed for a reason, they were faulty. These specific medals should be temporarily removed until repaired or permanently removed for those same reasons.
Oh, and the Literate/Illiterate medals are also of no concern to this petition. They are not broken, and the author did warn us that you could only get one or the other. They were designed that way for a reason, even if it does piss people off. I have the Illiterate medal (the one worth less points) and yes, it sucks, but I'll deal with it. However, I am currently working on a way of working in the fact that all the medals in that game are technically glitched because if you get the in game medal pop up for ANY of those medals and it doesn't register that first time on Newgrounds, then the medal is forever unattainable after that. So I will be working on getting that in.
So LegolaSS, do not accuse me of being a pathetic untalented gamer who's trying to cut corners to knock your medal points down while mine stay the same. Read the damn petition before publicly embarrassing yourself next time, k? Thanks.
If anyone has any suggestions to me please PM me instead of posting this stuff on the petition or on the forums. Thank you.