We've waited too long for this:
We've waited too long for this:
At 7/19/09 07:03 PM, 14hourlunchbreak wrote: We've waited too long for this:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 1115
Can anybody play the game?
For me it says a script is overloading and the thing goes berserk...
At 7/19/09 07:16 PM, Misterioso wrote:At 7/19/09 07:03 PM, 14hourlunchbreak wrote: We've waited too long for this:Can anybody play the game?
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 1115
For me it says a script is overloading and the thing goes berserk...
Hmm, that is weird. It's doing the same for me. I hope they fix it soon.
Rule of three, rule of three! We indeed have been waiting since medals first showed up.. All the cries for NG Rumble have been answered!
I laughed, though.
"July 19th, 2009 - MEDALS ADDED
That'll shut em up."
Yay for medals in newgrounds rumble !!!! But i killed 177 ennemies in medieval rampage and i am still not having the 10th kill medal...
It's ten types of enemies killed, not 10 total. :)
No more medals in newgrounds rumble...
At 7/19/09 07:38 PM, n00bman wrote: No more medals in newgrounds rumble...
And I just started playing
At 7/19/09 07:19 PM, 14hourlunchbreak wrote:At 7/19/09 07:16 PM, Misterioso wrote:Hmm, that is weird. It's doing the same for me. I hope they fix it soon.At 7/19/09 07:03 PM, 14hourlunchbreak wrote: We've waited too long for this:Can anybody play the game?
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 1115
For me it says a script is overloading and the thing goes berserk...
I cleared the cache, reloaded it, was working fine, so I decided to refresh and double-check.. then the medals were gone, so .. yeah we're all in the same boat right now.
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/38 1115
Look at the author's comment on the last comment !!!
At 7/19/09 09:00 PM, JKMonkey wrote: Anyone knoe when Newgrounds Rumble will get it's medals back?
im really boss at that agme
Author's response:
I'm having fun with third party code -__-. They'll be back sometime.
So, um.. Sometime. :)
Let us know if you get a clearer estimate than that.
I feel like a failure, I am at the point where im done getting medal, except for Lastman and Drunken diety(and ungettable medals) but I feel very defeated and at a loss on william and Sly. I made a straight run thru and only got 140 some mushrooms, and 12/15 darklings, how are you supposed to kill all of them with only 12 runestones. also my time bonus was only like 2500ish, and that wasn't even with backtracking to the bridges and the spots you need wings for. So the 35000 thing seems out of the question for me.
Maybe not a full video walkthrough, but could someone make a vid walkthrough of which darklings to kill with each runestone.
Also I can only find one switch, and its the one for bridge two. Can someone tell me where(possibly on wylos map) the switches are?
At 7/19/09 09:31 PM, EggSaladSandwich wrote: I feel like a failure, I am at the point where im done getting medal, except for Lastman and Drunken diety(and ungettable medals) but I feel very defeated and at a loss on william and Sly.
Are you being fuckin serious?? That medal is easy as shit, just use wylo's map...
Lastman and Drunken Deity are much harder.
Yay just got the sly fox medal with a LOT of help from Wylo's map, thanks again Wylo. I got a nice score, I think, too 38007.
pic or it didn't happen
Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12
At 7/20/09 01:06 AM, SevasTra wrote: Yay just got the sly fox medal with a LOT of help from Wylo's map, thanks again Wylo. I got a nice score, I think, too 38007.
pic or it didn't happen
So far my best score is 39000. But it seems the final score gives you an extra kill for the darklings for some reason. Glitch or not, its a good thing.
I closed the game this morning at 175 mushrooms and no clue where the last one was, because I had somewhere to go. Wylo's map pointed out the one I was missing was in the hidden top area of the first big shrine, which I didn't even know had a hidden area there. So now I have all the medals except the 100pt one. Here's probably a silly question: do you get any extra points for finishing the game without picking up the map from William?
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

No, that would be nice though. :) Good idea..
I haven't played it since he edited the snake's pattern, anyone notice a definite, visible change?
At 7/20/09 01:19 AM, Wylo wrote: So far my best score is 39000. But it seems the final score gives you an extra kill for the darklings for some reason. Glitch or not, its a good thing.
My best guess is that the boss counts as a Darkling. If you look at your scorecard before fighting the boss, you'll notice it shows 1 fewer dead Darklings than the victory screen does.
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Sincerely l don't know how you can find Wylo's map useful for a speed run..yes, it's good thing to have if you want to find all the mushrooms and switches....but you can't realy see what's going on..l can't even find the starting point -_-
Also, why did you guys put a link to NG rumble?It has no medals...this ain't funny...
At 7/20/09 03:44 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Sincerely l don't know how you can find Wylo's map useful for a speed run..yes, it's good thing to have if you want to find all the mushrooms and switches....but you can't realy see what's going on..l can't even find the starting point -_-
If you can't find the starting point, then you've never used the in-game map. Use the stacked map for speed runs. Its probably easier since you don't have to scroll as much.
Also, why did you guys put a link to NG rumble?It has no medals...this ain't funny...
Read the posts after...
eep... been away for a while... i cant seem to find this weather mage thing... im sure its staring me right in the face... but iv only played it through the once... :S... what someone needs to do is have a page header once in a while with links to evey game walkthough you guys have kindly posted... that way we wont get the same questions asked again and again *or at least not a frequent*... anway... im going to have a browse through to see if this has already been brought up... :3
At 7/20/09 04:20 AM, LegolaSS wrote: i cant seem to find this weather mage thing... im sure its staring me right in the face... but iv only played it through the once... :S... what someone needs to do is have a page header once in a while with links to evey game walkthough you guys have kindly posted... that way we wont get the same questions asked again and again *or at least not a frequent*... anway... im going to have a browse through to see if this has already been brought up... :3
Does my signature not stare you right in the face? I update it very regularly. Like whenever something new comes up.
At 7/20/09 04:28 AM, Wylo wrote: Does my signature not stare you right in the face? I update it very regularly. Like whenever something new comes up.
yeah... feeling a bit tired and iffy... after i wrote it and sort of bimbled around i clicked on the link... thanks wylo for the constant updates and effort you have put into the medal game walkthroughs... including maps / vids and other details which so how much time and dedication you put to helping others... :3...
even if they are silly blind people like myself :3
At 7/20/09 04:08 AM, Wylo wrote: If you can't find the starting point, then you've never used the in-game map. Use the stacked map for speed runs. Its probably easier since you don't have to scroll as much.
Yeah l never used the in-game map...anyway l found the starting point (lol), unlocked all the chests..but l am 6 mushrooms short.
Damn.Now l have to scan the map for the 5th time...
Read the posts after...
Do you remember any of the medals?
Just, you know, to know what we will have to face...
SERIOUS HOARDING - collect 3 power ups before anyone else has the chence to (5 points)
At 7/20/09 07:44 AM, Misterioso wrote: chence
At 7/20/09 09:00 AM, HeavyTank wrote: OMFG i got a freaking medal!
well done... now go get the proper medal... :3
Finally got "Speed is the best Candy" medal!
This time I cleaned my cache and it felt like I was playing on a ferrari!