At 7/13/09 07:15 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
1.OCD+ is not a joke since the author didn't remove it after some time..if he did, OK,it's a joke, but the game is still here...
The fact that OCD+ is still there makes the joke even more funny.
2.Lastman is not shitty just because it is can you like it more than TT?At least TT has some awesome graphics and animation....
Graphics aren't everything. If you don't like a game just because it doesn't have graphics like Crysis then I don't know what's wrong with you. It's the gameplay that makes the game fun, not the graphics.
Also, TT is damn repetitive. You can't tell me it's fun to get 100 or something kills with the gas grenade launcher. Or with 10 different projectile guns that are all basically the same. And the gameplay itself also loses it's fun after 15 minutes since you've then seen everything and now you're always doing the same thing over and over just to get the medals. But hey, it got good graphics, so it's better than Lastman, right? No. Not at all.
:here is a review l found (actually 2 people wrote this same review...anyway) that pretty much sums up my opinion about that game:
Too lazy to write your opinions down on your own, eh? ;)
Oh well, let's review this review.
This is one of those games that is so bad that it needs a whole numbered list to display its problems:
I like a challenge. And I like hard videogames. The problem here is the following: this game is hard mostly because of its poor, unresponsive and inaccurate controls.
Just because the controls aren't exactly like in every damn Mario game doesn't mean they're unresponsive or inaccurate. In fact, they behave like they should, it is intended that you slow down and can't speed up again in the air when you let the button go.
Runes of Shalak has inaccurate controls, Lastman doesn't.
You really need checkpoints for this game.
It's supposed to be difficult, so no checkpoints.
Again, I like retro-styled games. What I don't enjoy are pseudo-retro styled games that look like something for the Atari 5200 instead of the the NES. The level of detail is very poor and the colors are monotonous.
How about using some bright colors for a change? Would it hurt to make slightly more detailed sprites?
Oh, NES is retro-styled and Atari is pseudo-retro-styled? Too old for you or what? Funny.
The graphics are simplistic, but not bad. It's a graphic style like everything else. A matter of personal taste. Also, did I mention that the gameplay makes games fun, not the graphics?
I like my games with sound effects and music. Here we don't have music. That's strike one. Strike two? The variety of sound effects is really small. Strike three: Those that are present suck, simply put.
I give you that, the sounds don't win an award. But that isn't that big of a problem, you don't need sounds effects to play this game. It's not like there is some voice acting you might miss. Listen some MP3's while playing it, problem solved.
The original Legend of Zelda for example would've killed for 520KB of memory and yet it had more and better sounds than this. How come? I know it's not easy but how about a little effort of your part?
The original Legend of Zelda had people who got paid for composing the music. Bad example.
Seriously, make some changes or remove it.
There are way worse games out there that didn't get removed. So yeah. Who are you to make such demands anyway? If you don't like it, don't play it. Simple as that.
Are the ads for every death just a cheap way to try and suck up as much revenue as you can? Someone should make a pong game with an ad that starts upon every hit the ball makes on either of the paddles, make it insanely hard to win, and put a medal in for all the statwhores, THEN act like an ass to everyone on the forums like you did. Bam, instant revenue. Right? Right.
Sure, an ad after every death was a rather bad idea, that's why he changed it. An ad every 20 deaths is reasonable, PiGPEN put a lot of effort and time into that game, it's only fair that he gets something for it.
Overall this is just another crap game, the difference being that it uses the medal system to gain exposure, which you then profit off by showing ads every 20 deaths.
If you have the slightest sense of decency make sure this disappears from the games with medals section.
If you have the slightest sense of decency make sure to stop demanding things. Because, don't be shocked, you're playing this for free. FOR FREE. That means you don't pay for it. Again, who are you to make demands? If you don't like it, don't play it. Nobody forces you to do so.
Like I said above, PiGPEN put a lot of effort and time into making this game. For what? To hear your bitching? Start paying him, then you can make demands. If you don't want to then shut up and play something else.
Did I mention that nobody forces you to play this game? And that you're complaining about a free game? No?
The game is free. You're complaining about a free game. A free game that nobody forces you to play.
Höchst amüsant.