At 6/17/09 06:28 AM, Haggard wrote:
Reading this thread let's me think otherwise. Complaints here complaints there "LET'S PM TOM BECAUSE THIS GAME SUCKS BOOHOOO!"
Well you like to be passive, l don't, that's all.
I am not gonna sit here when there's people sumbitting these kind of things...
And you fall for it.
Not really....if l really fell for it l wouldn't be cheating to get the medals faster and not in the way the author intended...
Then maybe read what exactly a obsessive compulsive disorder is?
Yeah l read it, but it still doesen't change a thing.
And that's where you fail to understand is that "promoting games" does not mean that every game has to be the absolute burner. Also, the medal system is kinda open to anyone, which you too seem not to understand. So your "it's there to promote games" argument fails big time.
No it doesen't because it is obvious that there should be some kind of control over which games get medals...we're gonna have to have medal mods..l am not saying that every game with medals has to be super awesome, but there is a limit to shittyness...
Here's a question: Why do you want to get the OCD*-medals if you have absolutely no fun in doing so?
Instead you are complaining about the game, asking for workarounds to speed up the timer and ask other people to PM Tom so that he removes the medals from this game?
OCD much?
Nope, since l am trying to do it the fast way.
Poor comparison.
Also, if you don't enjoy your work, you may want to find some other job...
Eh, it's not that easy..2/3 of the persons working don't enjoy to, but they keep doing it because they need to live, and if they quit their job maybe they won't find another one, and then...
Also, can l make a WK of the game?