^^ I tried that, but the only way to stop my screen from going black is to move the mouse evry now and again, since in the K game you can only hold down K and nothing else, I cant move the mouse and the screen will go blank, making me lose the game
turn your screensaver off?
Thanks Wilo!
Also, anyone notice that all the medals for OCD+ (on the medal page) are listed under the title "medal addict" (not even capitalized), rather than OCD+? XD
At 6/16/09 11:11 PM, VulpineNinja wrote: Thanks Wilo!
Also, anyone notice that all the medals for OCD+ (on the medal page) are listed under the title "medal addict" (not even capitalized), rather than OCD+? XD
Yeah, same thing with Seed of Destruction (Sperm Rider) and In Utero (Long name I can't remember).
Nothing too new and exciting.
I just read a review for the game, and it turns out you can drastically speed up the SHUT game by right-clicking, clicking forward, right-clicking, clicking back, and repeating that process several times. It makes the 14 hours take only a few minutes.
Wylo, that wasn't in the spirit of the game at all =/
I finally did it, took me ages to memorise most of it so I could type it faster than the bot... Then when I come back to announce my success, Wylo goes ahead and posts the entire thing ages before I finally finished it.
Fucking hell.
At 6/16/09 11:12 PM, Duffle wrote: I just read a review for the game, and it turns out you can drastically speed up the SHUT game by right-clicking, clicking forward, right-clicking, clicking back, and repeating that process several times. It makes the 14 hours take only a few minutes.
that's what I'm doing now. 11 hours to go
lol Damnit Wylo I was in the middle of making my own but you beat me to the punch, so far I had:
English: language
German: bridges
French: earth
Italian: film
Spanish: Weather
Dutch: Newgrounds
Polish: Homo sapiens
Also to those who were worried about your computer going into down mode for the "k" achievement, just place a stack of dimes on the K button and do something else for an hour, the computer will just read it as you typing and won't freeze
At 6/16/09 11:17 PM, Rhete wrote: Wylo, that wasn't in the spirit of the game at all =/
Really the author should've made all the medals secret. Then I wouldn't post it up. It also would be even more OCD than it is right now. Maybe the next game OCD++ will be like that. But it was going to make it on the internets eventually, secret or not. I'd cite a Rule of the Internet but none of them seem to specifically apply. Except maybe #21 and 22.
At 6/16/09 11:17 PM, Rhete wrote: Wylo, that wasn't in the spirit of the game at all =/
Hey, this guy put his assholery against the collective perfectionism of every single medal hunter on Newgrounds. He issued a challenge, and we not only accepted, but proceeded to stomp the spirit of the game to a fine gooey paste. =D
At 6/16/09 11:12 PM, Duffle wrote: I just read a review for the game, and it turns out you can drastically speed up the SHUT game by right-clicking, clicking forward, right-clicking, clicking back, and repeating that process several times. It makes the 14 hours take only a few minutes.
works well, i got the minutes going as fast as the seconds are suppose to go
At 6/16/09 11:34 PM, Another-User wrote:At 6/16/09 11:17 PM, Rhete wrote: Wylo, that wasn't in the spirit of the game at all =/Hey, this guy put his assholery against the collective perfectionism of every single medal hunter on Newgrounds. He issued a challenge, and we not only accepted, but proceeded to stomp the spirit of the game to a fine gooey paste. =D
Well stated. *claps*...
...*stops clapping*
BTW, anyone have a shortcut through 208; Typing in a set of numbers every 3 hours and 24 minutes for 3 days isn't practical for anyone...
What's crazy about the pianist medal is that I had copied it from the original wikipedia sources and it said I had an error. Then I copied Wylo's in and got success. Turns out right in the middle there was a d that should have been an s (or was it the other way around?). Crazy.
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

ok now that we know all the medals lets find out the secret medal
At 6/16/09 11:55 PM, JKMonkey wrote: Now we just need a shortcut for the 208 game and we'll be set.
also what is the secret medal?
people seem to be forgetting that you can't discuss secret medals in this thread.
We can however post links to users who have the medal so we can get hints of what it can be
For anyone else, on SHUT, does it make you want to change out your current headphones or speakers for fear you'll get permanent damage?
At 6/17/09 12:09 AM, Rhete wrote: I have the secret one ;)
well I don't know if it's much of a hint or the author's just screwing with us.
For 208, I left my window open for a while, but looks like if you spend too much time putting in the password, the game stops.
At 6/17/09 12:09 AM, Rhete wrote: I have the secret one ;)
That is the pure definition of random... >_>
At 6/17/09 12:42 AM, ThePathFinder wrote:At 6/17/09 12:09 AM, Rhete wrote: I have the secret one ;)That is the pure definition of random... >_>
What, isn't that one of the characters on Lost, as well as the numbers that keep appearing in the series?
Hey, don't judge my taste in television. =/
Exactly what I was thinking, although I've never seen the show.
Just did a lot of research before Cloverfield was released.
Slusho is the new Rosebud.
At 6/17/09 12:43 AM, Another-User wrote:At 6/17/09 12:42 AM, ThePathFinder wrote:What, isn't that one of the characters on Lost, as well as the numbers that keep appearing in the series?At 6/17/09 12:09 AM, Rhete wrote: I have the secret one ;)That is the pure definition of random... >_>
Hey, don't judge my taste in television. =/
Last time i think i saw it was in the impossible quiz, we wee told to remember those numbers along with blue yellow blue red
This game is not OCD at all with all these exploits. Only the 208 one is slightly annoying but even then I'm sure some of you can contest that this is easier than say Druken Diety.
At 6/17/09 12:10 AM, KrevZabijak wrote: For anyone else, on SHUT, does it make you want to change out your current headphones or speakers for fear you'll get permanent damage?
Use FlashMute.
I think I'll give the 208 medal a shot. I won't sleep till 5 or 6 am so when my brother wakes up, he could do 6 more hours of work for me.
Of course I have to pay up for the job.
What a nightmare game! i hate the author! he think its funny to put a medals for such a stupid game?
hah! he just want to torturing us the medals hunter, nothing more!!!, it's not even a game
i can't believe the fact that tom letting him to put a medal system for his stupid game,
i hate you now luke, your classroom3 was great but NOT THIS TIME!!!!
At 6/17/09 12:55 AM, Arthuria99 wrote: OCD+
What a nightmare game! i hate the author! he think its funny to put a medals for such a stupid game?
hah! he just want to torturing us the medals hunter, nothing more!!!, it's not even a game
i can't believe the fact that tom letting him to put a medal system for his stupid game,
i hate you now luke, your classroom3 was great but NOT THIS TIME!!!!
Ok, i was wrong, i just can't helped it. he may laughing his ass off everytime he saw someone with the medals from his game
Those medals are all possible, but 208 is just too hard for one man (with a job) to accomplish.
The only chance is to have a physical partner and sleep in shifts. This would however require unusual amounts of diligence on both sides.
My math shows that despite the relatively reasonable gap between each code-enter-episode you would have to either sleep no more than 3.1 hours in a row, or have a partner.
In this time and age, none are available to me, so I'll stay clear of that medal till further notice.
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I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.