Boy l am really pissed off with Sonny 2 right now because there are some fights that seem impossible for one simple reason: they never end.
So, after the 2 hounds and the guy there are 2 soldiers and an android...l always lose my team on the first 2 rounds, but that's not a problem (l beat the previous guys on my own)..but here it is different: l can keep 2 team members crystallised and attack the other every 2 turns with leading strike, and heal myself when the need may be.
This is a VERY slow tactic, but it might just work IF the 2 following things didn't happen:
1.Sometimes l get stunned by their ranged attacks, and this is absolutely catastrophic.
2.THEY CAN HEAL EACH OTHER.So l spend 20 minutes to damage him for 200 damage every 2 turns just for him to be healed by a mate for 1000 health per turn!
I mean come on, for fuck's sake....this goes on, and on, and on, and on till l got distracted and didn't heal myself when l shoud and died.
Yays, now l have to do it all over again.