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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-27 23:08:52

Thanks Spiff, just did. :) Good thing, too, because I doubt I could have done it my first play through... Who knows, maybe..

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 00:37:34

Phew.... been a looong ass time since I've been around these parts. But whatever.

I've gotten every other achievement and now I'm down to the very last secret item but I still can't find it anywhere. I found the one in the second level in the open part of the log, the one on the tall staircase blocks in the 4th level, the on near the start of the 5th level, and the one near the beginning under the picture of the king in the final level.

Where's the 5th secret item?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 00:38:38

At 5/28/09 12:37 AM, TitanAura wrote:
Where's the 5th secret item?

Excuse my idiocy. I'm referring to Barbarian Bob.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 00:47:00

Did you jump at the statue? It's another one of the high-place secrets.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 00:53:01

At 5/28/09 12:38 AM, TitanAura wrote:
At 5/28/09 12:37 AM, TitanAura wrote:
Where's the 5th secret item?
Excuse my idiocy. I'm referring to Barbarian Bob.

There's a video walthrough here buddy

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 01:19:24

At 5/28/09 12:47 AM, KrevZabijak wrote: Did you jump at the statue? It's another one of the high-place secrets.

Yeah, that was it. Thanks. Now it refuses to give me the final medal for getting all of the other achievements. What gives?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 01:32:47

I was just about to get used to their being a few games with medals every day, now it's a deadzone. I wonder when the next wave will be

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 03:49:25

At 5/28/09 01:32 AM, STEM wrote: I was just about to get used to their being a few games with medals every day, now it's a deadzone. I wonder when the next wave will be

i kinda wish they were spread out rather than coming in bunches. like i'd rather have 1 a week than like 5 on one day every month. but a few people have said they're going to code them so possibly very soon.
i've switched back to alkie kong in the meantime. damn no die medals. i got to level 15 with no hearts left and i think it was the first time i've actually gotten hurt on that level since i first played it. disappointing. level 14 always gets me. i get hit by a bat at the top and that causes me to be knocked into a barrel which makes me touch another barrel and before i know it i've lost most of the hearts in two seconds time. so frustrating

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 06:46:52

At 5/27/09 03:26 PM, LegolaSS wrote:
At 5/27/09 02:24 PM, Kamikazetomato wrote: Crystallize-Break-Crystallize (AKA the almighty Stunlock) can beat pretty much any solo enemy in the game, if you've got the patience.
as long as you dont bloody miss with the break... then he spends a turn getting all his hp back... AGHHH!

Yeah well it could miss, but it's still a valid tactic.
And l could do some level whoring (l want to get the Hydra and this one, so l can train) and get some buffing abilities that will increase the power of my next attack...

god sake... why does this game hate me?... *stun lock the comander*... then the sniper powers up... goes to stun him with attack... *miss*... (snipers turn) shoots hard hitter guy in the face... (deaded)...
next turn crystal commander... sniper takes a pot shot on the medic and kills him... then im screwed as there shields go down... and they have another turn to smeg the living daylights out of me...


this game is more down to luck... i cant control the other people (really) to stop them doing stupid things... grrr...

Controlling them would make the game a whole lot easier

calm down legolass... its only a game...
At 5/27/09 02:58 PM, Someguy wrote: did he just talk to himself?
yes.. yes i did.. ¬¬

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 09:01:15

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/49 5590

Seems that's very recent since nobody's talking about it.

Too bad they're broken : I began a new game (already played last week) and I directly got the medal for the 1st and 5th boss (which I didn't kill last time), my in-game achievements are still there (which is cool) but I can't get any other medal (1st kill, etc).

Guess we'll need to wait a bit, as usual...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 09:26:48

At 5/28/09 09:01 AM, Fisteur wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/49 5590

Seems that's very recent since nobody's talking about it.

Too bad they're broken : I began a new game (already played last week) and I directly got the medal for the 1st and 5th boss (which I didn't kill last time), my in-game achievements are still there (which is cool) but I can't get any other medal (1st kill, etc).

Well it looks like a pretty easy game and l knew it would have medals from when l first saw it...

Guess we'll need to wait a bit, as usual...


By the way, l got the first 2 Sonny 2 medals...now l'll have to do the other 2...sigh...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 09:30:30

At 5/28/09 09:01 AM, Fisteur wrote:
Too bad they're broken : I began a new game (already played last week) and I directly got the medal for the 1st and 5th boss (which I didn't kill last time), my in-game achievements are still there (which is cool) but I can't get any other medal (1st kill, etc).

Well, l got the medal for the 5th boss too, and l see it in my profile...but now l can't get the 10th kill..
So yeah, it's exactly as you said...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 09:36:26

At 5/28/09 09:27 AM, Frank-The-Hedgehog wrote: MOTHERFUKKIN' GOKU!!!

Yeah, as many of you guys may already know, fighting him sucks. His strong normal attacks, his spirit bomb, his way of skipping a turn after spirit bomb blast, and his health makes children cry.

What I want to know is how the hell do you guys beat him?(on hard mode and beyond) How many bottles of water of life and ethers do you have before facing him? And HOW do you face him?

Please halp >_<

ok you will require a mix off everything... try to get at least 2 water of life... and 3 to 4 max mana pots... have a mix of hp pots, and try to get hold of some MAGIC POTIONS!...

ok you should be able to get to goku without using any items (even on heroic)

so what do you do?... make sure you have the following...

KEEP protect and barrier on... without them your toasted marshmellows
KEEP him screamered (his attacks will do alot less damage and also take more magic damage)
KEEP both heros hp above 90%... this way your will not find yourself trying to dig out of a hole...
DO NOT use choas magic... its pointless and foolish
USE your items when you need to... dont waste them (unless you really need to)

ok... if your going to lose some one... make sure it the girl... the guy can revive her with a water o life and then she can mass heal...

make sure you put magic potion on the GIRL only... then screamer him to death and then use judgement... this will do around 3000-4000+ damage (i recall) and also give you full hp... (if done correctly)... the guy can use healing potions or just do normal attacks to regain mp... (put the stone sword on if you want it to last longer but be more safer)... now at half health he will spirt bomb... from this point on its mostly luck... if he spams spirt bomb... there really isnt anything you can do... but try to at least get some hits on him... it sometimes helps to stop his spamming spree...

then holy magic his ass untill he curles up and explodes...well done :3

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 09:51:13

Medieval Rampage

Oh, guys,wait, the "10th kill" medal is not glitched...it's just a typo.
You need to kill 1000 enemies, not 10..
And all the other medals work fine..SO START PLAYING!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:00:21

At 5/28/09 09:51 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Medieval Rampage

Oh, guys,wait, the "10th kill" medal is not glitched...it's just a typo.
You need to kill 1000 enemies, not 10..
And all the other medals work fine..SO START PLAYING!

What about the "1st kill" medal ? I am unable to get it (cleared my cache + cookies, still don't work)

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:21:53

At 5/28/09 10:00 AM, Fisteur wrote:
What about the "1st kill" medal ? I am unable to get it (cleared my cache + cookies, still don't work)

Just start a new game and keep playing.
I discovered that the "10th kill" medal is random, because l had 421 kills when l got it...
I have 61 achievements with a finished game...now l have to start a new one to get them all...l wish there was a list...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:26:38

At 5/28/09 09:01 AM, Fisteur wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/49 5590

Looks like a nice game to me. The medals seem simple to obtain, since you get most of them as you play through the game.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:27:36

At 5/28/09 10:21 AM, HeavyTank wrote: I have 61 achievements with a finished game...now l have to start a new one to get them all...l wish there was a list...

There IS a list, but the achievements there are painfully hard..damn!
And also, WTF?
I got the 75 achievements medal without earining it..

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:30:50

I killed the first boss.....but i have no medal

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:32:51

I have no fucking clue why but the medal system gave me the "Kill the fifth boss" medal when I barely even played it at all

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:36:26

At 5/28/09 10:32 AM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote: GLITCH:
I have no fucking clue why but the medal system gave me the "Kill the fifth boss" medal when I barely even played it at all

Yeah we know, and the same goes for the 75 achievements medal is survival mode..
Well, at least the game keeps rack of your achievements and playtime even after you cloase it so we can get all the medals..
The hardest ones are:
get 300 kills in survival
and finish the game with every armor (yes there are armor sets-click the "achievements" button).

And now guys, stop posting about the glitched medals.We know.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:42:00

At 5/28/09 09:30 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
At 5/28/09 09:01 AM, Fisteur wrote:
Too bad they're broken : I began a new game (already played last week) and I directly got the medal for the 1st and 5th boss (which I didn't kill last time), my in-game achievements are still there (which is cool) but I can't get any other medal (1st kill, etc).
Well, l got the medal for the 5th boss too, and l see it in my profile...but now l can't get the 10th kill..
So yeah, it's exactly as you said...

Yeh, the medals are glitched. I got the kill 1 enemy medal and then went of the game due to lag. As soon as I started the game again, I got the medal for killing the fifth boss?!?!?! I only killed a couple of enemies, more than 10 but didnt get the medal, and I haven't even got to the first boss. So the only two medals i've got from this game are "kill your first enemy" and "kill the fifth boss".

Sig made by simon <3

360 Gamertag - Warshark NG

PSN ID - xI_Warshark_Ix

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:44:57

Now l have all the medals but the last one, but l don't feel like getting all the achs. so l'll probably do it tomorrow or another day.
And then l'll have to get back to Sonny 2...sigh..and then Epic Battle Fantasy...double sigh...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 10:46:57

At 5/27/09 01:25 PM, HeavyTank wrote: Well, sincerely, l don't think that there's a way of doing this except by having "life" as your username.....

Or gdfsgdfg. They must know something we don't.

You can try as much as you want, but for me it's purely wasted time.Spinning your tail may be useful but it keeps you in one spot, so it's the same as going forward...and you get a reasonable amount of civilians only in the last 10 seconds....so stop wasting your time with that medal and try something else...

Try something else? What if you got all other medals? I'm going to play our shiny new medal game now and then I'm stuck again with that one being the only one left :/

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 11:04:00

At 5/28/09 10:46 AM, DigDogy wrote:
Or gdfsgdfg. They must know something we don't.

Or Misterioso. (by the way that guy is a Drunken Deity)
If they all refuse to tell us how they did it the answer is kinda obvious.....

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 11:17:55

At 5/28/09 10:42 AM, warshark wrote:
At 5/28/09 09:30 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
At 5/28/09 09:01 AM, Fisteur wrote:
Too bad they're broken : I began a new game (already played last week) and I directly got the medal for the 1st and 5th boss (which I didn't kill last time), my in-game achievements are still there (which is cool) but I can't get any other medal (1st kill, etc).
Well, l got the medal for the 5th boss too, and l see it in my profile...but now l can't get the 10th kill..
So yeah, it's exactly as you said...
Yeh, the medals are glitched. I got the kill 1 enemy medal and then went of the game due to lag. As soon as I started the game again, I got the medal for killing the fifth boss?!?!?! I only killed a couple of enemies, more than 10 but didnt get the medal, and I haven't even got to the first boss. So the only two medals i've got from this game are "kill your first enemy" and "kill the fifth boss".

The medals for this game are completely fucked up.
I have all the medals except 2-
First Kill and 100 achivements
I've played through the game and currently have 73ish achievements.
I received all the medals in backwards order as well. I am sooooooo confused.

Life & Level!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 11:28:33

At 5/28/09 11:17 AM, Pompous wrote:
The medals for this game are completely fucked up.
I have all the medals except 2-
First Kill and 100 achivements
I've played through the game and currently have 73ish achievements.
I received all the medals in backwards order as well. I am sooooooo confused.

This is exactly the same for me....this damn game won't give me the "First Kill".................

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 11:30:17

Hmm strange how everyone experiences these glitches. I noticed that the game is a bit buggy, but I did receive all the medals I should´ve in an ordinary way.

Oh and by the way, I saw there was some confusion about the tenth kill one page ago. Tenth kill means kill the 10th type of enemy I think.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-28 11:55:47

At 5/28/09 11:46 AM, Frank-The-Hedgehog wrote: Thank you so much for the tips <3

No problem...

Goku is strong against heavymetal, So I assumed that it is a waste to use it against him.

use it to get back hp mostly... dont try to make the guy the healer though... make sure he keeps up the protects and the screamers... (along with mog if your really in need of some dire help)

Also I found out that bombs are not that useful against him (seeing that they can only deal around 10000 damage).

they are usefull... for example.. if both of your people are muted (sealed)... make the guy use a bomb or potion (green one if you have one) on the girl and make her do healing or deffence... they are useful when you cant really do anything else :3

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