At 5/24/09 09:24 AM, gdfsgdfg wrote:
i can't do pacifist on sonny 2
i started a game and saved at that part with hydra and tried a few times to beat it without getting 2000 damage and in one match i have beaten it and i didn't get 2000 damage but i still didn't get it whats the problem
Here's my technique to get the Pacifist medal:
1) Level up your characters to lv. 23
2) Buy/Use equipment that increases your characters attack and vitality
3) Re-spec and use the attribute points to increase your attack, vitality and speed
4) Use the ablility points to get:
4/4 Integrity
2/2 Distrupt
4/4 Savagery
4/4 Endurence
3/3 Evolution
?/3 Infect
5) Add 2 Disrupts and 2 Infects to your ablility pool
6) Attack the Fire Claws with Infect, this kills them straight away
7) Attack the Hydra in this order:
If your AI chracters are equiped well, they should do most of the damage and will earn you the Pacifist medal.