I have posted this topic again because when i posted it was 5am in America. Sorry about that.
Newgrounds now has 88x31 size banners to put on your site, Desktop Backgrounds, Music and any thing else your computer needs, except Screensavers.
I have been given permission by TTom Fulp to host this competition to see who can make the best screensaver to be hosted on Newgrounds.
Here are the specifications on what you can make; everything else is up to you and your imagination-
Time Limit: 2 Weeks. From the 22nd of April to the 6th of May.
Size: No smaller than 700(width) x 600(height).
File Size: No bigger than 500kb.
File Format: .swf only. I will only ask for the .fla if you win.
Genre: Has to be related to Newgrounds (or its submissions) in some way.
Graphics Has to look good. Ng colour scheme. NO MS PAINT DAMMIT!
Sound: No Repeating Music or sound effects. You can add a sound
effect at the start of the screensaver to signal it being turned on.
The top 5 will be voted by you, the great users of the Newgrounds Forums. I will open a new a new topic on the 7th of May so that people can vote for their top 5 entries. More will be explained then.
The top 5 winning Screensavers will be held on Newgrounds in a whole new section, something similar to the NG wallpaper section or the PSP section.
Good Luck to All!
I’m open to all question and ideas, ask away.